Raising a concern (registered practitioner)

Raising a concern about a colleague

Under Section 45 of the Act, if you are a registered health practitioner, you are obliged to inform the Board if you believe that another registered health practitioner has a mental or physical condition which impacts on their competence to practise in the profession of medical imaging and radiation therapy.

If a concern has been raised about you

When the Board receives a complaint about you they may decide to:

  • refer you for a competence review
  • refer the matter to a professional conduct committee 
  • order you to undergo a medical examination or testing
  • establish a competence programme
  • establish an individual recertification programme
  • apply an interim suspension (in certain circumstances)
  • apply an interim condition on your scope of practice; or
  • take no further action.

To get in touch please email pro-standards@medsci.co.nz